[Salon] Le Figaro slams Western narrative that Iran's operation was a failure


April 16, 2024

Le Figaro slams Western narrative that Iran's operation was a failure

A new article published by the French magazine Le Figaro detailed that the Middle East and the Israeli war on Gaza are seeing new horizons and witnessing complete shifts following the success of Iran's recent Operation True Promise. 

Sébastien Boussois, the author of the article, begins by criticizing the official media's rush to coin Iran's response as a failure and noting that the mighty Iron Dome only managed to intercept incoming Iranian drones and missiles with the help of the United States, France, Jordan, and the United Kingdom. So, was it a real failure for Iran, which has been under sanction for years?

Boussois then travels to the morning post-response, saying the Iranian response left millions of Israelis awake overnight. Israelis trust their government to a limited extent, he said, as they are not naive. According to the French author, Israeli settlers recognized that there was something more important at stake than the fact that Iran launched over 200 missiles, as per IOF counts, at "Israel". What was more remarkable was the fact that "Israel" had suffered two direct attacks against it in less than a year: Once on October 7, 2023, during the Palestinian Resistance's operation, and on April 14, 2024, by Iran

As a result, the fortified image of the "untouchable Jewish State" was now hanging on a thin line. Boussois was prompted to question the effectiveness of the widely utilized "Dahiya Doctrine" by Israeli forces in Gaza, which authorizes the destruction of civilian infrastructure to pressure Hamas, saying that it has ultimately failed. 

This comes as more and more of "Israel's" enemies "break boundaries" regardless of the possible consequences, which should force the occupation and the United States to stay down to Earth instead of having blind faith in its "invincibility", especially when the West's "Middle Eastern Branch," as Boussois dubbed it, was in danger. 

Since the United States extended unconditional support for the Israeli occupation in 1948, its security had never been at such risk. Boussois said that if Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu bore part of the responsibility for the events of October 7, the bloodshed he caused triggered internal conflicts, within Israeli settler society and the government. Netanyahu thought that by genociding Gaza despite international disapproval and neglecting his part in the crisis, he would become the new and feared Goliath. However, he will now be remembered as the leader who allowed Iran to destructively attack the occupied territories for the first time in history.

How Iran changed the world 

On Iran's capabilities, Boussois said it is often forgotten that the Iranian Army is one of the mightiest in the region in terms of manpower and arsenal. There are 350,000 Iranian soldiers within its army and an equal number of reservists. That is without mentioning Iran's nuclear power, which Tehran maintains its peacefulness. 

Iran was often traditionally criticized for its "weak" army, but the recent mighty blow the Israeli occupation was dealt has reshuffled the cards in Iran's favor. It is clear that this was an absolute success for Iran, and rightfully so, Boussois said. He added that "Tel Aviv" is trying to downplay the retaliatory operation, but it is clearly and very reasonably terrified. 

By making this response a trial run for the greater scenario that could happen, Iran clearly showcased the magnitude of its capabilities. The "unfortunate" truth, according to Boussois, is that since rumors circulated about Iran's interference, it has not once shown any weakness, exhibiting unbelievable power and strength. Its operation was a strategic success on all levels, he maintains.

"Israel" is no longer the only regime that has grown more fearful of Iran, but all Arab capitals have gotten the message. And then there's the West, which, despite isolating Iran, now sees this isolation morphing into a country with mighty power.

The United States had incited uncontrollable chaos and is now trying to regain control, but in vain. Since Joe Biden was instated, he worsened the state of the world. His weakness, according to the article, liberated regimes that vehemently opposed his hegemony. Moreover, so far, it is not confirmed that Donald Trump's re-election would change much. 

In less than five years, Russia, China, and Iran kept the West hanging on the edge of an abyss. Boussois says this is the reason why the West must thoroughly think and sound the alarm, starting with "Israel", because de-westernization is not an empty concept. 

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